Jenna Pegg

About Me

I’m 22, and have lived in Vancouver for 2 years after spending most of my life in my hometown of Edmonton, Alberta. In those two years I have done some travelling, worked in customer service at Indigo (the one right across the street!) and started looking into new career paths, which is how I discovered Red! My hobbies are knitting and crocheting, and I have two 14 year old Bijon Shih Tzu’s who love to lay on my projects any chance they get!

I enjoy making:

Before Red

University of Alberta Crest

While living in Edmonton, I attended the University of Alberta. I was working towards a Classics degree, when I went on a trip with my university and caught the travel bug. I decided to take a break from schooling to re-evaluate my career and take some time to see the world! After a few trips and some time working in customer service, I decided to try web-development, and applied to Red Academy.

Best Travel Experience

Pottery Photo

In 2016 I went to Greece with my university to assist on an archaeological dig. With my 20 other classmates, I helped to sort and reassemble ancient pottery, catalogue artifacts, and visit the archaeological site to learn more about it and the people who lived there. We stayed in the small northern town of Narthaki, near Thessaly. The people there were incredibly friendly and kind, and the food was somehow even more amazing than the people. Staying in a small town gave me an opportunity to see a part of Greece that few tourists get to experience and between the people, place, and history, it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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