From P&L to HTML: The Trevor McLean Story

A Screenplay by H. Trevor McLean

Key Points


Like so many other vampiric industries, Logistics seemed like a passable way to bankroll a backpacking trip through Europe in my early 20's. It did that, and I enjoyed it so much it made the decision to work towards a trip through Southeast Asia almost a no-brainer. Some time after this trip I seem to have fallen asleep and awoken over a decade later stress-beaten, sunken of eye and weary of soul. Managing the noble works of the transportation world have taken their toll on me, drained me of my being, and discarded me like a spent Keurig cup. I was forced to carve out a living as an underground bareknuckle boxer until I'd saved enough for a web development course.


Or rather, I was lucky enough that a real-estate investment afforded me the opportunity to make a positive change in my life and work towards something I can find happiness in for a change! I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit, however my area of expertise is not conducive to startup businesses for non-millionaires. I hope that web development will eventually allow me to pursue my dream of self-employment as well as provide a creative outlet that is sadly lacking when you're managing trucks and trailers.


A large part of my career in logistics involved data management using Excel. I came to find that I really enjoyed writing macros and meticulously de-bugging the vB code. This is what sealed the deal on my decision to enroll at REDacademy. It's a wonderful thing when people realize that they could actually be doing something they WANT to do rather than something they've convinced themselves they HAVE to do.

Also, I made these buttons. They don't do anything, but I made them. You can click on them if you want. Go ahead, you might like it.