Cliff Chan

Full Time Web Dev

Cliff Chan's Profile Picture

What I'm Up To

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Prior to coming to RED, I worked full time at Apple. I am now a part time employee and will be spending most of my time here! I am super excited.

Interesting Fact About Me

I recently discovered my passion for spicy foods. I have spent the last year building my spice tolerance and I am now proud to say that I can eat really really spicy foods!

Best Travel Experience

This past June, I traveled to Tokyo, Japan for 16 days. The best part of this experience was that I was by myself the entire time! I met some really cool people along the way and had lots of great food. This was my first time traveling solo and I highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't done it before.

Big Goals

My goal is to gain the best training possible and land a job that I enjoy and will dedicate my life to. This will be all I do for the next six months and I am 100% ready to tackle any obstacles along the way.