Rodrigo Samayoa

About Me

I originally came to Vancouver from Guatemala 9 years ago to study, but stayed for the mountains, the city and the people.

Over the past 5 years, I have been working for non-profits and unions on digital campaigns pushing for progressive policy at the provincial and federal level. I have worked on a number of issues ranging from repealing Bill C-51 to stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline with organizations like Leadnow and Sum of Us.

I currently work at the BCGEU as a digital campaigner, running public policy campaigns for the union.


When I’m not working, I enjoy:

Nothing inspires me more than exploring wild spaces with the people I love.

Future Plans

After this course I will continue working at the BCGEU as a digital campaigner, but wish to start shifting my focus to the tech side of my job. Over time, I would like to gain enough skills to be able to move to Northern BC and work from abroad so I can explore the vast wilderness in Northern Canada.