Who is Saveen Toor?

Information About Me... Information About Me... Information About Me... Information About Me...
Name: Saveen Toor
DOB: March 29th,1991
  • Working out
  • Eating
  • Netflix binge watcher
  • Surrey, BC
My life before Red?
  • Before enrolling at Red I was working a 9-5 job with Providence Health as a Human Resource Assistant. I then decided to venture out and do something different, which allowed me to be creative. Resulting in me pursuing a carrer in Event and Decor Design.
The City that has my heart...
  • Los Angeles
Interesting Fact:
  • I can proudly demolish a whole large pizza by myself.
Life after Red?
  • After my 6 month journey at Red, I hope for it to open multiple job opportunities for me, where I am able to pursue a fulfilling carrer as a Full stack developer. Alongside, obtain enough knowledge and experience to open up my own freelance company on the side.
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