Life Before RED

Hometown: Bogota, Colombia

Before I enrolled at RED Academy I was studying Business Manangement, Before coming to Canada I was working in a bank in Colombia. But I didn't feel completely happy about it, I just thought that my travel to Canada was gonna open my mind to another industry.... and Voila! I'm here starting (again) from the scratch...

What your goals are after you finish the program

After graduating from RED I plan on taking my skills on the road, working in the FINTECH industry travelling around the world. Start my own company.


  1. Risk taker
  2. I like thinking critically; I always have ideas rounding my mind
  3. I’m good with numbers and at math.

Your best travel experience, and why

Vancouver, Canada. I've been living here since Jan, this place has opened my mind, I have meet so many people from all around is like going everywhere at the same place.

Any other fun fact you'd like to share about yourself!

  • Photographer (hobbie)
  • Dancer
  • I read one book per month