Life Before RED

I graduated from UBC Okanagan to be an Earth and Environmental Scientist, moved to Vancouver, worked as a dishwasher at a Mexican restaurant, got my bike stolen on my first day at work. Got engaged to my girlfriend after 6 years on my birthday. I now work at MEC Service Centre answering calls, tweets, and sometime modelling.

Get To Know Me

Where is home?

"I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia until I was 13. In 2007 my family and I moved to Muscat, Oman. I also lived in Kelowna for 4 years for my undergrad and now I'm in Vancouver. If I have to choose, Jakarta."

picture of nosa

Nosa Fact!!

"Half of my friends calls me Ade and half Nosa"

"My best travel experience would have to be the trip where I took my fiance to tour Indonesia with my Mom. (well technically, just Java and Bali) We took the train from West to Central Java, drove to East Java and took the ferry to Bali. We ate a lot of food, went to the zoo, and climbed volcanoes. It was my first time hiking in Indonesia, after so many hikes in Vancouver."

Secret talents?

I am really good at scrolling through facebook videos, also posting hourly on instagram with hashtags and all.

Nosa Fact!!

"I love karaoke, street photography, and hiking up montains"

Whats the dream?

After graduating from RED, I hope to find work at a small start up and keep learning to code and eventually work remotely as a developer while I photograph the world.